Outer Cape Christian Church

This Week 
Outer Cape Christian Church
   Service begins at 9:30 A.M.
Weekly Tuesday Bible Studies begin 7:30 PM on Zoom

"Come and see what God has done:  He is awesome in his deeds toward the children of men! " (Psalm 66:5 )
 For directions or details about any of our services, studies, or outreaches,
call 774-212-4641 or  
email pastorsheldonoccc@gmail.com


Important Notice 
Outer Cape Christian Church has been serving the Lord Jesus Christ on the outer cape for His greater glory for the past 15 years.  After meeting in a building for 7 of those years, we have been blessed by worshiping in 3 different venues throughout the year;  a home in the winter, and the North of Highland Campground in the summer.  
